齐林涛 | 2022年 ~ 哥本哈根国际《金瓶梅》学术研讨会综述


in the program. However,we shall have the papers by the absent participantsdiscussed by those who are present. Alle the papers are readily available in the workJin Ping MeiA Wild Horse in Chinese Literature, NIAS Press, 2022, which will be published at the symposium.

Wednesday, 26 October4-5:30 pm.and7:30-9:30 pm.文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

Public Book Launchin celebration of the Danish edition of文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

Jin Ping Mei iversogprosa, 10 volumes, 2011-2022文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html


4-5:30 pm. at The Royal Library, SørenKierkegaardsPlads 1文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

·Music: Flutenist Mathias Zonca文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

·Opening words: Marie Louise Nosch, Royal Academy; Zheng Wen, Chinese Culture Centre, Copenhagen; Liu Hui, Bremen University, SørenMøller Christensen, Vandkunsten Publishers, Vibeke Børdahl, NIAS文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

·Performances:Abbi Patrix, storyteller, Compagnie du Cercle, Paris (English);Liu Kun, master of wood block art (demonstration), KarstenPharao (reciter, DR) (Danish);文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

Meeting with the Danish Society for Book Craft文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

7:30 - 9:30 pm. at The Royal Library文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

·David L. Rolston (USA): TheJin Ping MeiIllustrations (English)

·Bent Lerbæk Pedersen (Denmark): Manuscripts and rare books from China in the Royal Library (presentation with demonstration) (English)

·刘坤Liu Kun and张敏Zhang Min (China): The art of Chinese block printing (demonstration ofChinese traditional wood cut technique) (Chinese and English)

·SørenMøller Christensen (Denmark): TheJin Ping MeiIllustrations of the Danish Edition.

Informal gathering with members of the Danish Society for Book Craft.

Thursday, 27 October9:30 am.-4 pm.

Venue: Carlsberg Academy, Gamle Carlsberg Vej 15

Copenhagen Symposium哥本哈根研讨会

金瓶梅詞話Jin Ping Mei in Verse and Prose.The Oral, the Written and the Pictorial in Late Imperial Chinese Fiction

Languages: English and Chinese

9:30 am.- 4pm. Books from NIAS Press on display in foyer書展

10:00-10:20 am.Opening of the symposium

·Words of Welcome: Minna Skafte Jensen (Deputy of the Royal Danish Academy);Gerald Jackson(NIAS); Ditlev Tamm (Director of the Van-Foundation); SørenMøller Christensen (Vandkunsten Publishers); Vibeke Børdahl (NIAS)




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