齐林涛 | 2022年 ~ 哥本哈根国际《金瓶梅》学术研讨会综述


10:20-10:30 am.Presentation of the book project for the symposium

·Gerald Jackson (NIAS Press): CelebratingJin Ping Mei –文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

A Wild Horse in Chinese Literature文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

First Session上午文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

Jin Ping Mei in translation.文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

Forbidden at home, forbidden abroad文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

10:30-11:40 am. Moderator: Lintao Qi文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

吴敢Wu Gan (China):金瓶梅》外文翻译的新成果[New Achievements in the Translation ofJin Ping Meiinto Foreign Languages] (Chinese)– discussantLintao Qi (10 min)文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

·David L. Rolston (Michigan, U.S.A.): The Strategy and Process of David Tod Roy's English Translation ofJin Ping Mei(English) (20 min)文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

·Lucie Olivová (Czechia): The Architecture of Ximen Qing’s Residence: Visualizing the General Layout and Translating it into a European Language and Culture (English) (20 min)文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

·MarjaKaikkonen (Stockholm, Sweden):Jin Ping Meias Forbidden Fruit: Ban, Burn, Beat, Punish!(English) (20 min)文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

11:40-12:20 am. Tea and Coffee

Second session下午

Customs and sexual life in late Ming

12:20 am.-1:40 pm. Moderator: Rainier Lanselle

·Keith McMahon (Kansas, U.S.A.): Sexual Portrayal in Jin Ping Mei (English) (20 min)

·Yuko Kawashima (Hiroshima, Japan): A Book that Invites Lust. The Fate ofJin Ping Meiduring the Edo period in Japan (English)(20 min)

·Lintao Qi (Monash, Australia): The Adaptation of Sex and Sexy Adaptations: RewritingJin Ping Meifor the Mid-20th Century Anglophone Market (English)(20 min)

·OndřejVicher(Czechia): Sex-related expressions or vulgarism? On the occurrences of the wordin two main editions ofJin Ping Mei(English)(20 min)

1:40-3:00 pm. Lunch at the Carlsberg Academy

Woodblock Art. Demonstration of woodblock carving

3:00 pm.-4:00 pm. Moderator: MarjaKaikkonen

·Robert E. Hegel(St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A): Picturing Ximen Qing’s World: The Chongzhen edition Illustrations – discussant Keith McMahon (English) (10 min)

·张敏Zhang Min (Nanjing, China): Pictures and Words as Mirrors: How Woodblock Art and Literary Art inJin Ping MeiModify Each Other (English) (20 min)

·刘坤Liu Kun (Yangzhou, China):中國木刻傳統:金瓶梅崇禎本的插圖[Chinese block printing: The illustrations of the Chongzhen edition ofJin Ping Mei




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