齐林涛 | 2022年 ~ 哥本哈根国际《金瓶梅》学术研讨会综述


] Demonstration of the block cutting technique (Chinese/English)(30 min)

Friday, 28 October10 am.-3 pm.文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

Copenhagen Symposium (continued)文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

Venue: The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

H. C. Andersens Boulevard 35文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

9:30 am.- 3 pm. Books from NIAS Press on display in foyer書展文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

First session上午文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

Novel interlaced with opera. Novel as folk art.文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

10:00-10:40 am. Moderator: David L. Rolston文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

·现俊HuoXianjun (China):金瓶梅词话剧曲的功能与意[The Function and Purposeof Opera Scripts Referred to inJin Ping Mei] – discussantMargaret Wan(English)(10 min)文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

·张婷婷Zhang Tingting (China): The Historical Value of the Customs of Late Ming Drama as Portrayed inJin Ping Mei[金瓶梅》中的晚明演剧风俗与艺术史价值](English)-–discussantOndrejVicher (10 min)文章源自金瓶梅网www.jinpm.cn金瓶梅网-http://www.jinpm.cn/31140.html

·Martin Gimm (Germany):The Game of Official Advancement,Shengguantu. A Macaronic Folk Ballad from the Middle of the Qing Dynasty (English) – discussant Rüdiger Breuer (20 min)

10:40-11:20 Tea and coffee

Second session下午

Storytelling and Jin Ping Mei

Performance of an episode in Yangzhou storytelling

11:20 pm.-12:40 pm. Moderator: Margaret Wan

·Vibeke Børdahl (Copenhagen/Oslo):Jin Ping Mei cihuaandpinghuaStorytelling (English)(20 min)

·Rainier Lanselle (Paris, France): Wu Song Reborn: The Reconstruction of the Chinese Storytelling Database (English)(20)

·马伟Ma Wei (Yangzhou, China):王派水武松杀嫂[“Wu Song Kills his Sister-in-law” from the Wang school ofWater Margin] – Film (Chinese)(20 min)

Closing of the symposium

12:40-1:40 pm.


A Wild Horse in Chinese Literature

Liu Zhen (Beijing, China):《金瓶梅》,中国文学史的一匹野[A Wild Horse in the History of Chinese Literature: The Value and Influence ofJin Ping Mei] (Chinese)– discussantDavid Rolston (English)(20 min)

·Concluding discussion (English and Chinese) (30min)

·Minna Skafte Jensen (deputy, RDA): Words of conclusion (English)

1:40-3:00 pm. Lunch at the Royal Academy of Science and Letters

3:30-5 pm.Visit to the David Collection.Kronprinsessegade 30.

